Using Compost to Conserve 1/3 of Your Water on Landscapes, on Average

by Dan Noble | TLE Seminar

CEUs/PDHs: LACES 1.5,APLD 1.5,PGMS 1.5,NALP 1.5*,QWEL 1.5

Seminar Dates: September 21, 2023 10:00 AM

Seminar Cost: $45 Register for Seminar

Seminar Description:
Building healthy soil with compost increases water infiltration and water holding capacity by many times, when used properly. The resulting combination of organic matter and microbes holds on to the water, nutrients, feeding plants more efficiently. Building landscape soils with compost: • Builds and maintains your soil organic matter from less than 1% in subsoils to greater than 5%  • Allows water to enter the soil more easily, better water infiltration and water holding • Decreases or eliminates irrigation, depending on the plant types • Builds a lush landscape, including turf grass, with over 2/3 the needed water. Creates happier landscape customers.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand how everyone, especially landscape professionals, are part of the organics recycling process with compost.
2. Determine how much water can be captured, infiltrated, and conserved on your landscapes by building healthy soil with compost.
3. Extend your landscape pallet by amending your landscape zones with compost
4. Introduction to how biology creates the rain as well.

Dan Noble

Dan Noble is the Founder of Noble Bioresources, Inc. (NBI;  NBI is a bioproducts market & industry development firm, based in California.  He also has been Executive Director of the Association of Compost Producers (ACP) (; the US Composting Council California State Chapter) since 2002, and has over 40 years of science & business-based environmental education, market research, publishing, strategic consulting, enterprise, compost utilization, and association management experience.